Our communities are facing challenge after challenge. Rising care costs, an ageing population, an uncertain economic outlook, to name but a few. The policy responses to these issues often emphasise strong communities and local support – we believe that volunteering is the key to both.
This was highlighted during COVID-19. There was a huge upsurge in volunteering, often through micro and mutual aid organisations beyond the formal volunteering community. Without them, many vulnerable people would not have coped.
Today, with the lingering impact of the pandemic, coupled with the rising prices of everything from food to fuel, the volunteering landscape has changed. Many who used to volunteer now work longer hours – earning to survive – leaving our communities short of the volunteers so crucial to lifeline support services across the country.
In short, volunteer recruitment is an issue happening right now, right on your doorstep. Our work helps engage and retain new people, rewarding them for their time and skills. In times of austerity, when they’re faced with difficult decisions every day, it’s a huge challenge.
With your support, we can keep going – and we can go further. Supporting vulnerable people, connecting communities and rewarding the best among us.
Rachel Gegeshidze – CEO