Tempo are finalists for the Lord Mayor’s Dragon Awards
The Lord Mayor’s Dragon Awards celebrate businesses that are achieving excellence in social impact in Greater London. Held annually and overseen by the Lord Mayor of the city they recognise businesses and community organisations that ‘go above and beyond their core work to significantly impact the regeneration of local communities.’
There are a number of different awards recognising amongst others innovation, enterprise and employment, education and lifelong learning. Tempo Time Credits are finalists for the Community Partners Award for our partnership with organisations throughout the city that bring people together in their local communities to carry out valued and important voluntary work.
We are delighted to be finalists in the prestigious Lord Mayor Awards. We have been working in London for over 10 years so this is a fantastic way to celebrate that milestone and the partnerships we have forged with volunteers, community groups and private businesses across a total of 20 different city projects. Our Time Credits model recognises everyone’s time equally and values that everyone has something to give to enable their local community to flourish. We look forward to sharing this recognition with them.
Chief Executive of Tempo Time Credits, Rachel Gegeshidze
We currently operate 7 projects covering 9 areas/themes across the city that include
- supporting resident engagement,
- co-production of services,
- supporting substance misuse recovery,
- mental health,
- broader community engagement
- reaching harder to reach communities.
Funded by Haringey Council, City Bridge Trust, L&Q Placemakers fund, CGL, and City of London Corporation our projects involve 123 groups or services across London and nearly 1,700 engaged volunteers.
Whether volunteering daily or once a month all of our volunteers earn Tempo Time Credits as part of our reward and recognition scheme. These can be exchanged for a range of services and activities provided by our local and national Recognition Partners through our corporate charity partnerships.
During the last 12 months, our London volunteers have earned 11,681 Time Credits for over 11,000 hours of volunteer time in their local communities. In doing so they have made a huge difference in other people’s lives and gained valuable work experience, skills and knowledge for themselves alongside the physical and mental benefits that volunteering brings.
The economic impact (net well-being uplift) is estimated at £3.1 million and the estimated savings to groups and services in London was over £18,000 (externally reviewed by ProBono Economics)
The Tempo team will now attend an awards ceremony in October hosted at Mansion House, the Lord Mayor’s official residence. If you would like to learn more about our projects in London or around the country, get in touch and let us start the conversation.