Tempo Team Spotlight – Meet Pam Barmby
Meet Pam Barmby our Contract Manager for Lancashire County Council, Chorley Council and South Ribble Borough Council.
What gets you leaping out of bed in the morning?
Coffee! The best and only way to start the morning.
What does a typical day at work look like?
Busy and interesting! It normally consists of lots of calls with earn groups and also recognition partners. These calls can be encouraging earn groups to get their volunteers signed up and using their Tempo Time Credits and also encouraging local recognition partners to get involved and providing training.
With things gradually getting back to normality, I’m excited to return to having more direct contact with the community engagement teams to see how groups are navigating the challenges in each area.
It’s so important to see for myself how volunteering helps different people and what support is needed so I make sure to spend one day a week in Accrington at Active Seconds – a charity shop run by Active Lancashire.
What’s the biggest challenge of your role?
I would say the main challenge is covering such a large area and ensuring that opportunities are created throughout it. Lancashire in particular is a huge area with different needs and initial communication works more effectively when it’s face to face. Engaging local businesses and opportunities takes time.
Within your role what are you most proud about?
It’s fantastic to be able to be part of an organisation that gives people the chance to be recognised and acknowledged for their contribution
Do you have the time to volunteer, if so:
Yes! I volunteer at Calder Community Cares Food Share project, I also marshal for my local park run (Centre Vale, Todmorden) and help out with programme and individual support with More to Life (an educational charity)
Why did you select this project or charity?
Calder Community Cares is my local community hub established during the first lockdown and I’m involved in food share both ethically and environmentally; as a runner, I helped to set up the Centre Vale park run in 2018; and I have been a student of More to Life, an interactive training programme, and a licensed facilitator, for over 20 years.
On average how many hours do you volunteer a month?
What type of activity, product or service do you generally enjoy with your Tempo Time Credits?
Currently I live in an area where they can’t be earned, but as the organisation continues to grow, hopefully this won’t be the case in the future.
Share something your colleagues won’t know about you
I can eat/ breathe fire! I also love outdoor swimming (even in January) but only after I’ve had my morning coffee…