Tempo Time Credits and Lancashire County Council
This week we are pleased to highlight the fantastic work we do with Lancashire County Council and how we support them to tackle problems within the community. At Tempo Time Credits we pride ourselves on supporting communities and helping them thrive through volunteering and recognising that the contribution volunteers make is so important to help achieve our aims and objectives. That’s why we are thrilled Lancashire County Council share this vision and continue to work with us helping us make a difference in communities across Lancashire.
A bit more about the programme:
Lancashire County Council has partnered with Tempo Time Credits since 2017 through the Community Projects Team. Initially funded through the Transformation Challenge Award, Tempo Time Credits explored local approaches to tackling community problems. The main purpose of the programme has been to build resilience and capacity for better health and wellbeing across Lancashire and to engage and inspire local groups, especially those involved in food security, loneliness, social isolation and providing access to green spaces in key areas.
Now more than ever it is vitally important that we continue to work together to achieve these aims and objectives, allowing us to continue to support volunteering and community engagement across the region.
It was really nice to be able to do things with my grandchildren that I previously couldn’t afford to do and also to be able to share it with others who couldn’t afford to do activities with their families – Local Tempo volunteer
Having been a beneficiary of Tempo Time Credits, it’s a wonderful way to reward people and helps them to feel valued and recognised for their lived experience – Tempo Time Credits volunteer
Learn more about our Lancashire County Council programme and its impact from the video below: