Tempo Time Credits and Westminster City Council
We are pleased to be able to shine a spotlight on our Westminster City Council programme and the hard work and dedication that goes into making this fantastic programme benefit the community of Westminster.
Tempo Time Credits have partnered with Westminster City Council since 2012. Working in line with the council’s “City for All” priorities which currently include creating vibrant communities, a cleaner and greener city, a thriving economy and a smart city. The programme has had a significant impact on the community of Westminster and seen an increase in people giving their time to volunteer and make a difference in their community. Stronger engagement, participation and working with a variety of services and local groups across Westminster have been just a couple of the outcomes for the project.
Tempo Time Credits have led our volunteers to training which has changed their lives and they have been able to go back to work after coming to us depressed and isolated. – Encouragement Through the Arts and Talking (ETAT)
With Tempo Time credits, Westminster City Council not only recognises the valuable contribution that volunteers make in their community but also supports the important work of local community organisations and continues to increase volunteering across Westminster. Supporting these initiatives is very close to our heart and we are immensely proud to be working with Westminster City Council to help make the community of Westminster a thriving, fairer and supportive environment for all.
Check out the video below to learn more about the impact of the programme.