Volunteers Week – A week of celebration!
As we enter June it’s hard to believe that we are approaching the halfway mark of the year, a year where it seems already so much has happened. But despite the trials and tribulations of the year so far, this week is all about one thing. Recognising the amazing contribution of volunteers and the organisations that support them.Â
A week of celebration – A message from our CEO Mark Froud
The last 15 months were like no other in our lifetime. The Covid-19 pandemic removed many of the usual ways society functions. It ripped asunder our economic, social and health systems. Face to face contact, for much of the year, was significantly restricted.
Many of the support structures that were dependent on face-to-face contact and on delivery by those vulnerable to Covid-19, were removed overnight.
It is a testament to the strength of our society that so many people stepped forward and volunteered their time when it was needed most. Without them, the problems and issues our countries now face would be far more serious. This is a debt we can never repay to those millions of people and volunteers. Most do not regard themselves as heroes. But they are. This is a week of celebration in honour of them.
Tempo responded to the issues faced by all the communities we support, via our commissioners and the thousands of community, voluntary and mutual aid groups, by flexing the delivery of our services. This recognised the fact that traditional face to face volunteering had reduced, that our recognition partners (places where Tempo Time Credits can be used) were closed due to Covid-19 restrictions and that many of the groups who provided Tempo Time Credits to their volunteers (Earn Groups) were themselves managing their priorities.
The flexibilities we developed to help the communities we support via our Commissioners and Earn Groups include:
- The introduction of a digital Tempo Time Credit system
- The launch of online opportunities to use Tempo Time Credits
- The launch of national providers where Tempo Time Credits can be used
- Created a series of free online training sessions and webinars
- Created a series of online support and contact tools
- Providing Tempo Time Credits outside target groups
- Providing Tempo Time Credits to vaccine volunteers
During the year we recognised that, while the ultimate impact is on individual volunteers, our direct impact as a Charity is on the Commissioners/CVCs/CVSAs that we work with directly and support. It is they who recruit, support, train, manage and recognise the volunteers in communities. It is these organisations and the volunteers who run them that deserve our thanks this week.
We are incredibly proud to support volunteers and have such a positive impact in their lives:
70% report improved quality of life
95% feel more able to contribute to the community and other people
87% can afford to do more things
57% have developed new friends and acquaintances
93% shared their skills with others
88% feel less lonely and isolated
88% report improved mental health
88% feel more confident
89% feel more positive about the future
Keep an eye on our socials and website this week for some interesting and unique stories and case studies from our amazing volunteers and charity and voluntary organisations.