Tempo Time Credits have been working in Cambridgeshire since 2013. Since then, we have worked with around 130 Earn Group partners, partnered up with over 40 Recognition Partners, signed up over 2,000 volunteers and had over 90,000 Tempo Time Credits have been earned.
Working alongside Cambridgeshire County Council and Cambridge City Council Tempo and local stakeholder leads offer access to Tempo Time Credits and our partner networks, to voluntary, community, housing and council services across the county. We have also worked closely with Cambridge City Council since 2017 on an additional project targeting specific city wards, supporting the work of the community development programme.
Our work in Cambridgeshire shows how Tempo Time Credits are a well-established, proven and flexible mechanism that not only empowers and benefits individuals most in need. Time Credits connect communities, create partnership opportunities and build understanding, goodwill and social capital.
A bit about Ish (a long term volunteer and ambassador with Tempo Time Credits)
Ish is an art and music enthusiast from Cambridgeshire. Ish first heard about Tempo Time Credits 4 years ago when they began volunteering for the Richmond Fellowship.
“I remember the first time I attended the training I was so nervous but felt so welcomed by everyone.”
Ish really loved the idea of earning Tempo Time Credits as an incentive to get volunteers to progress in their roles and to continue to volunteer for as long as they could. It was clear that Ish had a passion for volunteering and therefore was asked to support two new roles in local charities; Illuminate and Make Do and Mend. As Ish had experience in the Tempo Time Credit process, they were a great candidate for the role of Tempo Time Credits coordinator.
Ish had experienced major mental health and physical challenges for many years but with the support and opportunities they had gained through Tempo Time Credits have helped in their recovery.
“I absolutely loved my Tempo Time Credits roles.”
How Ish earns Tempo Time Credits:
Ish first started earning Tempo Time Credits as a volunteer with the Richmond Fellowship but was eager to find out how they could do more in their community using Tempo Time Credits. Therefore, Ish took on further responsibilities at Make Do and Mend and Corona House Community by helping out with activities such as running community groups and washing up.
“I love earning Tempo Time Credits, they keep me eager to find more ways to help out my community further. As a coordinator, I have had plenty of feedback from other volunteers who say they are grateful and inspired by earning their Tempo Time Credits”
How Ish uses Tempo Time Credits:
Ish has used Tempo Time Credits on a variety of activities across our Tempo Time Credits network and often gifts their Tempo Time Credits to friends and family that otherwise would not have been able to access the activities that Tempo Time Credits offer.
“I sometimes go to the cinema which is brilliant as I can’t afford to go very often. I have also used them on bike maintenance classes which was extremely useful. I actually want to go to another class like this soon to brush up on my skills. I have also gone swimming with them and to the theatre.”
Ish comments that their favourite place to use Tempo Time Credits is on sport-related activities as they are an incentive to try and get fitter, helping them to maintain healthier physical and mental wellbeing.
“I am going to go to a yoga session with my friend next week! People who know me know I love yoga but usually can’t afford to go to a class often either!”
Learn more about the programme below: