Tempo Time Credits – Helping communities thrive through education.
We are proud to be helping support and educate communities with Learning & Enterprise College Bexley
After a difficult year for many of our recognition partners, restrictions have started to be lifted across the country and we are beginning to see many of our fantastic recognition partners opening up once again to welcome and recognise volunteers.
We are delighted to announce that the Learning & Enterprise College Bexley has re-joined us as a recognition partner. They are now open for face to face delivery after being closed due to Covid-19 for the year so far. The college has offered adult education, vocational qualifications and skills for life courses in Bexley for over 50 years, having a huge impact on residents by helping them upskill, meet new people and improve future prospects. Something which we are fully behind and believe in at Tempo Time Credits.
The College offers a wide range of courses from its site in Brampton Road, Bexleyheath, and some courses are delivered remotely. We are delighted to have the college back on board with us as we truly believe in helping communities thrive through the power of education. Our objectives on this matter are closely aligned and we believe that being able to get educated and develop new skills should be available for all to benefit from.
What type of courses are available?
There really is something for everyone to get involved with to help them develop new skills for future employment or even just learn a new hobby and make new friends. Judged as GOOD by Ofsted, the college is offering a number of courses that can be accessed with Tempo Time Credits, like dance, exercise, drawing, clothes making, photography, pottery, French, Spanish and many more. Read more here for details of the College’s classes offered for Tempo Time Credits.
Pippa Tiller, Vice-Principal at the College, recognises the potential of partnering with us.
We, as a College feel this is a good way of giving back to local volunteers, whilst giving them the opportunity to learn a range of new skills, find a new hobby or simply just relax and enjoy doing something for themselves. We very much hope the impact of this partnership with Tempo Time Credits will be to help the dedicated volunteers of Bexley and surrounding boroughs to enjoy some of our community courses and to say ‘thank you for giving up their time to help others, especially in such challenging times.
Pippa has a message for everyone who has earned Tempo Time Credits,
Whatever your age or background please consider coming to us to use your Tempo Time Credits while learning a new skill at the same time, for free. Come along to one of our Open days or see our current list of courses on our website.
If this recognition offer seems like something you’d be interested in you can access the offer here and book a course.