New Tempo Time Credits Welsh website and platform
Tempo Time Credits are excited to announce the launch of our online Tempo Time Credits platform and website in Welsh. This will enable Tempo Time Credits to better support Welsh citizens, Welsh communities, and businesses to engage with us and our partners in their preferred language. Check out the Tempo Time Credits platform in Welsh here. You can also view our main website in Welsh here.
Founded over 10 years ago in the Welsh Valleys, our model works by volunteers receiving Tempo Time Credits for the time they give to their community through local organisations. These can then be used with our network of recognition partners to visit local and national attractions, take part in activities such as gym sessions or redeem vouchers for shopping and entertainment.
We are now funded by Welsh Government to develop Tempo Time Credits in Wales. Our aim is to build a nationwide network that challenges inequality by valuing everyone’s contribution to their community, thereby creating a fairer society for all. We will do this through working with local people and organisations to use Tempo Time Credits to increase volunteering, engagement, cohesion and address the impacts of poverty. Find out more about the programme here!
Aled Roberts, the Welsh Language Commissioner said – I am delighted to see Tempo’s platform is fully accessible to Welsh language speakers. For volunteering to be truly inclusive, people need to be able to participate in the language of their choice and this is even more important as technology plays an ever-greater role in our lives. I’m glad that Tempo has acknowledged the importance of Welsh in communities across Wales and proud that my officers were able to meet with Tempo early into the project to provide support and advice with their Welsh language policy and development.
Mark Froud, Tempo Time Credits CEO said –
“The translation of our new online platform to Welsh is a great achievement that will help us achieve our goals, supported by Welsh Government, to enable more Welsh people to get involved in volunteering in Wales that in turn supports their wellbeing, quality of life and increased skills and experiences as a result of earning and using Tempo Time Credits.”
If you’d like to know more or have any questions about getting involved in Tempo Time Credits, whether you’re a volunteer or organisation, drop us a message here.